2014年2月22日 星期六

3° Tra le Briccole di Venzia -Briccole Zen

3° Tra le Briccole di Venzia 是以木樁為主題的國際設計競賽,而本屆的主題以宗教出發,希望參賽者以各自「不同國家文化所發展出不同的信仰系統」做詮釋,而其競圖特色為必須使用威尼斯作為船隻停泊和潮汐標記用之木樁作為主要材料。


Briccole Zen
Material: Briccola wood, Glass, Iron part.
Size: 252cm X 70cm X 69cm

Group Entries:
Chen Yin-Chih, Tsai Chang- En.
 Time had carved on the the Briccola woods in Venice with changing seasons and the tidal erosion, but the heart of the Briccolas always stand immortally. Like the “mind” remain calm no matter how the external environment ruin the physical body, which is the essence of “Zen”. No matter how the outside changes, the inside; the mind immortal remains.

 The “Briccole Zen” is designed to look unsteady, with its entire structure balanced by a single piece: the heart wood, which represents the imagery of Zen, the eternal insight.
